The Truth Behind Why so Many Older Couples Are Getting Divorced‍

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There’s a common misconception that once you hit a certain age, you no longer fall in love and get married. But the truth is that it’s actually the opposite; as people grow older, they tend to mature and that usually means prioritizing happiness over everything else. 

That’s why so many seniors are choosing to either rekindle old flames or find new partners and get married. In fact, divorce rates among Americans over the age of 55 have increased by almost 40% in just the last 10 years alone. 

So if you’re still afraid of getting divorced because of your parents’ example, think again. There are plenty of happy older couples who got divorced after realizing that their partner wasn’t their final happily ever after. Here are some reasons why so many older couples nowadays get divorced…

The Divorce Process Is Easier for Older Couples

If you’re wondering why divorces among seniors tend to go more smoothly, it’s because the majority of them are no longer young and/or financially dependent, so they don’t have as much to lose. 

Additionally, many seniors have already been through at least one divorce, so they know exactly what they’re in for and how to manage the process. Seniors who get divorced are also generally more financially stable compared to younger couples, which is especially important if there are kids involved. 

It’s true that the divorce rates have been increasing among older populations, which is why it’s important to note that a majority of those divorces aren’t “new” break-ups; they’re “new” re-commitments, as a lot of couples who decided to divorce after many years together get remarried to new partners after the divorce is finalized.

After Many Years Together, They Realized They Weren’t Happy Anymore

Another common reason why so many older couples are getting divorced is because they simply realized they weren’t happy anymore.  With aging comes the wisdom to prioritize our own happiness; you realize if you have to sacrifice your own well-being for someone else, it may no longer be worth it. 

Some seniors realize they’ve been putting up with unhappiness in their relationship for too long and decide to end the relationship. Once we get to mid-life and beyond, a lot of people will take stock in their life; contemplate the way they’ve been living and ask themselves if they are truly happy. 

Older couples understand just how short life is and decide to make that big change by divorcing their spouse and pursuing their happiness before it’s too late. 

Some Seniors Realized They’re Just Good Friends

After many years together, some people start to realize that they’re just good friends and that they don’t want to spend the rest of their lives with their partner. 

This can be one of the hardest reasons to accept, but it’s better to end the relationship on good terms than to constantly bicker and get into heated arguments. 

Some married couples simply decided to stay together because it’s what they’ve always done and they don’t want to be alone. But getting divorced and re-committing to someone you love may be a whole lot better than staying in an unfullfilling marriage. 

Some Older Couples Simply Don’t Have the Same Visions for the Future

And finally, some retirees or seniors simply realized they have different visions for the future. 

Older Couple’s Vissions for Their Future May Include:

  • Pursuing a neglected or new hobby
  • Traveling
  • Selling their home and downsizing
  • RV life
  • Living by the water
  • Being active
  • Getting involved in religious activities
  • Starting a new business
  • Gardening
  • Farm life
  • Moving to another country

It’s easy to see, how a couple’s ideas about their future may be vastly different.

Once a couple’s children have grown and left the nest, it’s not uncommon for a couple’s relationship to shift. Sometimes that shift is in a new and exciting direction for both spouses. And sometimes, that shift reveals that their partner has very different ideas about how they want to spend their future. 

This can be a sad, but illuminating truth. Neither spouse should have to compromise their happiness. If you can’t find a vision for your future that makes both you and your partner happy, it may mean that divorcing isn’t such a terrible idea. 

If couples are not prioritizing each others happiness, the relationship can deteriorate, even after decades of marriage. 

There Are Still Plenty of Happy Seniors Who Stay Married

A lot of older couples who got divorced for one (or more) of the reasons listed above got remarried to new partners. 

However, there are plenty of seniors who decided to stay married because they still love each other and they understand the difference between being unhappy and growing apart; they don’t want to throw decades of love away just because they want different things now.

You Deserve to Be Happy

All in all, divorce rates among older populations have been increasing for a long time now, but the reasons behind it aren’t anything to be worried about. 

In fact, more and more seniors are realizing that they have to prioritize their own happiness above everything else, and that sometimes means getting divorced. That doesn’t mean they’re not happy; it just means that it may be time for a new chapter in their life. 

If you’re in a relationship that’s slowly dying, or has simply run it’s course, don’t be afraid to end it and move on with your life. After all, you don’t have to be young to be happy!

Is It Time for Your Next Chapter?

If you have decided to divorce your spouse, it’s a good idea to hire an experienced divorce attorney who can get you a fast, easy divorce so that you don’t have to waste time in a long drawn out divorce battle. 

Older couples have the wisdom to understand how precious time is, and choosing a fast, uncontested divorce allows divorcing couples to move forward to the next chapter of their life without having to spend endless hours in a lawyers office or courtroom. 

If you have questions, check out the Virginia Divorce Center’s Frequently Asked Questions page for more information on how we can help you get divorced so you can enjoy your future.

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