Can Separating Save Your Marriage? 5 Things to Consider

couple separating

Everyone wants to believe that their marriage is unbreakable and eternal; this is why so many couples are reluctant to consider a temporary separation when one partner thinks their relationship might be on the rocks. 

It’s hard for some people to think about their partner as someone they could ever see themselves splitting from; but, as many people have come to realize, sometimes staying together isn’t always the best thing for your marriage.

If you’re currently struggling with the idea of ending your marriage and you’ve considered the possibility of temporarily breaking away from your partner, you’re not alone.

There are thousands of marriages that have been saved by taking a step back and doing a trial couples separation, which allows them the time and space to consider ways to repair what has broken between them. 

Here are 5 things you should consider if you’re thinking about a temporary separation as a potential option to save your marriage:

The Importance of Communication

Communication is the backbone of every successful relationship – and this includes marriages. So many couples find themselves in a place where they’ve grown so accustomed to communicating in unhealthy ways that they don’t realize it’s happening. 

If you and your partner have grown so accustomed to speaking in an angry and hostile way with one another, it might be a good idea for you to take a step back and try communicating in a healthier and more productive way. 

Seeking professional help like marriage counseling, can be a productive way to help couples communicate in a healthy way and work through their relationship issues. 

If either of you are struggling with a substance abuse problem, it is important to seek professional help from qualified substance abuse treatment and therapy providers. 

While the truth is that there’s no magic solution for every couple, most experts agree that the most important factor in determining whether or not your marriage will survive is your ability to communicate effectively with your partner. 

If you’re currently struggling to communicate with your partner, it could be a sign that one or both of you are avoiding the real issues that may be causing the trouble in your marriage. If you can learn to communicate more effectively and openly with your partner, you could be saving your marriage from the brink.

Negotiating a Temporary Separation Together

When couples are considering a temporary separation, they often look at it as a way to break away from their partner. In reality, however, a temporary separation can be a great opportunity to get back together with your partner as you talk through your problems together. 

A temporary separation is an opportunity to step away from the pressures and responsibilities of being in a couple and to give yourself the space you need to think about your future. You will have the opportunity to reassess your values and goals, and to reflect on what your life is missing. 

During a temporary separation, you can focus on what your life is like when you aren’t with your partner. This gives you a chance to examine your feelings and decide if your partner is really what’s missing from your life. 

If you decide that you and your partner are better off together after a short break, you can use this time to work on your relationship. Your partner can benefit from this time apart too. They can take stock of what they want out of life and what they need out of a partner. By the time you get back together, the two of you will have lots of fresh ideas to discuss.

You’re Still Committed to Working Through Your Problems

One of the biggest misconceptions about temporary separations is that they’re a good way to avoid dealing with the problems in your marriage. You might think that by temporarily separating from your partner, you can avoid the difficult and sometimes painful process of working through the issues that have been causing problems in your marriage. 

Instead, a temporary separation can actually be a great way to force yourself to confront the issues that have been affecting your relationship. If you’re considering a temporary separation, it’s important to let your partner know that you’re still committed to working through your problems and saving your marriage.

It Doesn’t Mean You’re Giving Up on Your Marriage

One of the most important things to remember if you and your partner are considering a temporary separation is that it doesn’t mean you’re giving up on your marriage. 

A temporary separation is often a necessary step in order to save a marriage that is on the rocks. Sometimes, one or both partners are so desperate to end their marriage that they’re not willing to make the necessary sacrifices to save it. 

A temporary separation can be just what you need to get your relationship back on track. It gives you both the space and the time you need to work through your problems and reassess what your lives are like without each other. 

A temporary separation doesn’t mean that you’re giving up on your marriage – it means that you’re taking the necessary steps to save it.

What Are Your Options?

If you and your partner are considering a temporary separation as a potential option, it’s important to explore all of the possible ways you can go about doing it. 

Each couple’s situation is unique; this means that every couple has different options when it comes to choosing how to go about temporarily breaking away from one another. 

Depending on your specific situation, you might need to consider living in separate households or even different cities. You might also want to consider couples therapy or individual therapy if you and your partner need help working through your issues. 

For some couples, breaking away from each other is the only way to get the space they need to work through their problems. Even if you and your partner can’t force yourselves to stay away from each other, you might be able to temporarily separate from one another in other ways.

Making the Final Decision Together

No relationship ends perfectly. No matter how much you try to plan for every single scenario, there is always going to be some level of uncertainty in any relationship. 

Finding yourself at the crossroads of ending your marriage, again, is disheartening, but it can also be a good thing. When you’re at the point where you know your marriage needs fixing, you’ve likely tried everything you can to make it work, but nothing has worked. 

In this situation, there are two ways to go about fixing your relationship – you can either break up, or you can decide to take a temporary break. What you decide to do, however, is ultimately up to both of you. 

You and your partner will need to take some time to consider what you want and what you need. If you do decide that a temporary separation is the right path for you, it can be a great way to get your relationship back on track and ensure that your marriage continues.

If you both decide during your trial separation that your marriage is over, it may be time to speak to a divorce attorney. 

If your marriage is over, the Virginia Divorce Center can help you get a fast amicable divorce so that you can move forward with your life—possibly in a whole new direction. 

Get in touch with us to find out how we can get you a fast, affordable divorce in as quick as 2-5 weeks without ever having to go to court and with the option to move through the whole process from home. 

Call The Virginia Divorce Center Now

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